Thursday, March 11, 2010

Be Yourself; Save yourself!!!!!

I would like to just say that there is a problem when we all have some sort of viewings of ourself, our minds have been poisoned by movies,pictures and by the ever growing imagination.
What I have come to achived is to cancel one side of my brain to forget all of this and when achived without tricking your self or even lieing, you can understand how powerfull this can be.

Generation GAP

Yes it is also problem of our new ERA...................then what to do?
Get new era education and do what is needed in NEW ERA. Let people to think, they will let you think smoothly.
Generation GAP is functional phenomenon, it is physiological. It is NORMAL. To stream in NORM, it is necessary to think/watch/see/do/behave as needed; generation GAP will vanish smoothly. Try it from TODAY!!!!

Our World from Another Dimension: Thomas Dahnhardt's Book On Indian Sufism (SRCM)

Our World from Another Dimension: Thomas Dahnhardt's Book On Indian Sufism (SRCM)
it is great pleasure fr us to communicate with GLOBAL THOUGHTS. I am really HUMANE reliable person. I remain happy when communicate with people of different color,race,community and religion.. I am PROF DR SHAH MURAD (HOD, Pharmacology, LM&DC, Lahore, Pakistan),